
Showing posts from March, 2013

Rest In Peace Thou Love ...

She's in a state of shock .. He has changed into every aspect he has despised and hated his entire life .. He's acting like someone else .. Someone she never knew existed .. or maybe she had fears he would be and never admitted it to herself .. She can't imagine how a man can be that gentle and becomes a cold-hearted beast with no mercy whatsoever even within the words he utters.. He's aching, it's obvious that he is .. He's acting like he has conquered the world, when he's only destroying every little hope of them being together .. "How can someone be that self-destructive?" she keeps asking herself over and over again .. How did he manage to damage the only real bond he had with a woman? Why is he giving up on the only thing worth fighting for? How can a man forget years and years of his life by taking one decision within hours?! .. Could it be? Can someone love for just the sake of waiting to be loved the same? A million thoughts are racing ...

My Long Awaited Knight

Artwork by Amal Ali Oh yes .. I feel safer in my own bubble .. I build walls and plan strategies to keep myself alone .. I live in a constant battle with thy self and wonder when it's gonna end ... I'm surrounded by beasts who only dream of sucking out my blood every time they see me .. I'm the ultimate bait of satisfaction .. Some may find me weird and some may find me way too formal to handle .. But, at the end, they never succeed to break the fence .. I do all my best to push them away .. I guard my senses with everything that I've got .. I wake up every morning with one purpose, "Defend your territory!" I always make sure no one is close enough .. Whenever they plan to invade my premises, I scream... I yell... I present all the schemes of hatred to scare them away .. Only the one who succeeds such test is worth dying for... is worth fighting for... is worth sticking to and longing for ... He's my knight .. He's my all .. He doesn...

لو كان الـــلــــــت إنسان لقتلته!

مساء الفل عليكم .. يا رب تكونوا بخير كده ومستريحين .. عندي كده موضوع نفسي أتكلم فيه من زمان .. زي ما بيقولوا كده محشور في زوري و مش عارفه أفهمه .. ممكن تكلموني شوية عن النفسنة بليــــــــــــــــز؟؟ .. إيه لازمتها في الحياة .. ها؟؟ .. ليه "أفري ويير يو جوو" في مصر و بره مصر (تحديدا بين المصريين) النفسنة متوغلة بشدة؟! وفي غالب الأحيان تصاحبها التدخل في ما لا يعنينا وكأن الموضوع ده بقى عادي جداً .. لأ ومعدي كمان أكتر من أي مرض .. ليه ها؟! ليه؟! أظن مفيش حد ما جربش الموضوع ده .. صح؟  الحكاية بتبدأ انك لو فتحت بقك بأي حاجة مع حد فجأة بتلاقي البشر كلها عارفة كل حاجة عنك .. لبست ايه الصبح .. زعقت في مين النهاردة .. خرجت مع مين امبارح .. الايشارب الفلاني جبته منين وهلم جرى.. اللت اشتغل عالفاضي والمليان .. ولو لقوكي ساكتة (بعد الشر) ومش رغاية بيبدأوا يستفزوكي عشان يعرفوا أي حاجة عنك .. يلا ما هو الكلام ببلاش ومفيش مانع يزودوا حبة شطة وتحابيش عالماشي من بتاعة "هي مالها تنكة كده ليه؟" عشان يضمنوا ان مفيش أحسن منهم في المن(تش)قة :] ..أاه أمال ايه؟؟!! وفي ال...