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احترس.. فـ ترصدك! "الضغط المجتمعي هو الحل!" هكذا أجاب المهندس محمد الحاجري عندما وجه إليه سؤالًا عن  هدف موقع وما يقدمه من خدمات. فبعد أحداث ثورة 25 يناير زاد الإقبال على المعرفه وتزايد الوعي بالجمعيات الأهلية ودورها الهام في  بناء المجتمع، أصبح من الواجب على كل مصري أن يلعب دورًا فعليًا في تنمية البلد والعمل على المصلحة العامة للوطن. ولن تتمكن جمهورية مصر العربية من النهوض من جديد إلا عن طريق توفير وترسيخ  الجهود البشرية والعقلية بالعمل إلى جانب تفعيل دور الجهات الرقابية بصورة إيجابية. فالمصريون لديهم القدرة والحماس على بناء الدولة من جديد لكن ينقصهم التحفيز وتوفير السبل المناسبة لذلك. ومن هنا  بدأت فكرة موقع عندما لاحظ مؤسسوه - وهم المهندس محمد الحاجري والمهندس وائل خليفة- تزايد عدد المخالفات المرورية في الآونة الأخيرة بشكل كبير وذلك لغياب الوعي عند الشعب المصري ووجود الإنفلات الأمني في معظم الأماكن  مع التزاحم الشديد في أغلب المحافظات. يعتبر حي مدينة نصر في القاهرة مثلًا   -ويليه حي مصر  الجديدة والمعادي وا

"إبتسم فإن الله يحبك" | مسابقة مبادرة "إبتسامة"

"After attending TEDxCairo 2012, I couldn't help but be amazed by Yasmine El-Shawy's talk and how she has magically managed to bring me back to life. This design is dearly special to my heart. It's not just a photo or incident I can recall and sigh, however I believe it's ALLAH (swt)'s message to me at this exact stage of my life. I've been there for a reason, and I'm so so thankful for it. I've faced a lot of problems lately, and Yasmine has managed to grant me my very own sanctuary moment, where I can mesmerize the existence of ALLAH (swt) everywhere I go. The very next day, precisely at Fajr, I woke up spreading all the stickers I gathered on my prayer carpet, capturing this photo and thinking to myself; "I love him TOO!" I've never been happier nor more grateful than I was then. I was reminded I was loved by the All Mighty ALLAH, who has never failed me one and to whom I solely trust in this world. To be able to receive such t

About Anti-Morsy March to Presidential Palace

كنت محتاجة أعمل save لل statuses بتاعتي وملقيتش أحسن من الblog :) كلهم بتاريخ 4/12/2012 سبحانك يا رب.. عندنا شيزوفرنيا واللهِ!!! لما العيال بتاعة حازمون نزلت عند وزارة الدفاع وناس ماتت والدنيا إتقلبت على الإسلاميين وكلنا كنا ضد العنف والبلاوي اللي حصلت .. نفس الناس اللي مكانتش طايقة حازمون هما نفسهم الناس اللي بيبرروا الاقتحام عند الإتحادية! فين حمزاوي قائد مسيرة الإتحادية؟! فين البرادعي اللي راح يجيب قهوة ومرجعش؟! فين صباحي اللي خايف يقولوا عليه طمعان في الرئاسة؟! فين موسى اللي عينه لمعت والناس بتهتف بإسقاط المرشد (اللي مش بيحكم أساساً!)؟! فين الضيوف الكرام اللي ليل نهار في الإعلام تشتم فى رئيس منتخب بعد الثورة واللي لسه على شاشات التليفزيون لحد دلوقتي أمثال خالد يوسف وأشباه الزند؟! ... أفلا تعقلون؟؟؟!!! قال لك "اهتف قول .. الإخوان فلول" .. أُمّال اللي ماشي جنبك يا أختشي تسميه إيه؟؟؟!!! :D رافض الدستور إنزل صوت ب"لا" .. رافض مرسي إنزل صوت بغيره في الانتخابات الرئاسية كمان 4 سنين .. رافض الإخوان إنزل انتخب غيرهم في الإنتخابات البرلمانية! لكن متقوليش

#FACT about Egyptian Media

"Mark my words: The Egyptian Television Industry -whether private or national sectors- is coming to an end very, very soon! People are just fed up of daily hypocrites and their on-going, predictable plays; acting like they know better than everyone else. Online Media is spreading so fast, and will conquer all the crappy content we see each and everyday from ALL types of channels. "CHANGE" is going to hit everyone by storm!" ~ .. N.O.H.A ..

Allow Amy Purdy To Pull You Back Up If You're Down!

"If you ask me today, would I ever wanna change my situation? I would have to say; NO! Because my legs haven't disabled me. If anything, they're enabled me. They forced me to rely on my imagination and to believe in the possibilities." Amy Purdy has such perseverance that I've never seen before in my entire life. I'm sure she spent her days wondering about living in a world full of challenges and wishing to disappear from the face of the earth, but she simply didn't. Not only she fought her way up after her accident, but also she managed to break a stereotyped norm of thinking. Amy didn't give in to negativity for a second, leaving us -normal, healthy human beings- in a shameful state of mind after knowing how she managed to pull herself together from scratch to pursue her Snow Boarding passion; becoming the highest-ranked adapted female Snow Boarder in the world! What an amazing idea to start her talk, inviting us to imagine our lives as books

Book Review: "Ibn Al-Gama'a" or "Son of the MB"

I have to congratulate myself for reading this book cover to cover. I didn't back off; I was determined to finish it once and for all. I knew it may take me quite some time to wrap it up, but I was delighted I was able to do so. Despite my personal insights on some elements in this novel, I couldn't help but wonder about its ending. You'll find a lot of my inputs in this review. "Ibn Al Gama'a" is a novel written by a new Egyptian writer named, Ahmed Hossam Al-Din. It's obvious that's it's his first trial, however the plot is quite interesting to read. Indeed, its title is catchy, especially due to our current events in Egypt; how the Muslim Brotherhood are active and highly engaged in our political scene at the moment. Narrating his own life story about how he was brought up among the MB community, Mustafa Mustafa Mahmoud Al-Taba'ei, the main character, starts by stating few detailed facts about his family and his home town, Al-Monofeyah. Mo

You've Got the Love!

It's never too late to start living. It's never too late to be recognizable, to feel alive, or to embrace life. You deserve to be treated with respect, for you have rights for a better future. Believe that you can achieve beyond your imagination. Never belittle yourself. Never think you're less than anyone else. Never underestimate your intuition. Become your own best friend to have the will of overcoming, conquering, and defeating your own demons.  According to Psychologists, "Personality" is defined as a combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. Consequently, these patterns develop your character, as they shape your lifecycle. Govern them, you'll blossom; abuse them, you'll breathe heavily. Everyone of us has his/her mechanism, which is regularly affected by various inputs, and this is how we're evolved into the people we are today. To be able to peacefully get along with yourself, refle

Why Is My Life So Bad?

Do you ever wonder about that? Has this question haunted you for as long as you lived? Does it usually occur to you that your lifestyle is crappier than anyone you know? If yes, then what did you really do about it?! Did you ever consider figuring out what's going on? I understand how cranky you must feel, and I know it's not anyone's duty to understand the way you do, nor try to picture it for you. But, why don't you give it a try?! I'm sure there is someone somewhere who cares to help. How about we make a deal?! Let's review this together. I'll invite you to live my life for a day, and I'll try yours. What will you do if I asked to experience the timeline you've been living for years? How would  you feel about that? Give it a thought, how will we live our different routines if we decided to swap lives? How will the day turn out to be for us? I bet we'll see it differently, maybe act upon it with a whole other dimension that we never t

إذا أردت مرضاة الله

"الحب يزيد بطاعة الله عز وجل وليس العكس. خدعوك فقالوا أن الحبيب ينساك عند الفراق إذا أردت مرضاة الله. تذكر وكن على يقين أن قلبك بيد الله فحسب." .. N.O.H.A ..

Love is ...

"Love is a living thing; you gotta nurture it to live and let live!" ~ .. N.O.H.A .. "Wall E" Motion Picture.

A Note To Thyself

I've came across this note today, which I've written on the 18th of October, 2005, precisely in the mid of Ramadan, 1427. What shocks me is that I totally feel the same nowadays. It's like the clock keeps turning and turning, leading me to the same exact situation. Sub7an Allah, it's a bliss; I wish it never leaves me. Some may not like that I'm posting this as they may think I'm bragging about it. On the contrary, I'm just trying to remind myself of my place, recessing/reviving/igniting my senses once again. It's my own way of showing how we could be fragile before God, and it's okay. It's not a weakness, nor a disgrace; it's a gracious blessing and an eternal wish that never dies along the years. We shouldn't be afraid to show how small we are sometimes. We have to remind ourselves every now and then that we're not alone in this world who suffer, and pain will never go away. Hopefully, we embrace it to start living again, to enjoy

أنا ونفسي ومش بعدي الطوفان ولا حاجة .. عادي!

بقالي كتير قوي .. كتير قوي ما كتبتش حاجة ليَّا أنا .. حاجة عشاني أنا .. كلام يعبّر عني وعن حالتي أنا .. ولو مش هيعبّر عني .. على الأقل أقوله ليَّ أنا .. هو ده السبب الرئيسي اللي خلاني أكتب من الأول .. يوم ما عملت المدونة دي من سنة 2007 وأنا كنت بـكتب لنفسي .. كانت محاولة مني إني أعبّر عن نفسي من غير أي قيود ..والأيام عدت وجريت بيَّ وأنا باردو لسة حاسّة نفس الإحساس .. لسة عندي نفس القيود كإن حد بيبُصّ عليَّا ومخابّيلي حاجة تحت الترابيزة هيطعنّي بيها .. يمكن عشان كده معظم كتابتي عامة جداً .. حتى وأنا بـتكلم عن نفسي .. دايماً بـفكّر نفسي قبل كل بوست .. "لا تذكري أحداث ولا أسامي ولا أوقات ولا تلمحي بأي حاجة لأي حد .. خدي بالك!" .. مع إن أول ما إبتديت المدونة محدش كان بيشوف كلامي تقريباً .. ياه .. جه على بالي دلوقتي جملة قالهالى واحد زميلي في الجامعة -الله يمسّيه بالخير- لما قلت له أنا عملت المدونة بس مش عارفة إذا كانت هتوصل لحد ولا لأ .. رد عليَّا وقال لي: "محدش عارف .. ممكن قوي توصل .. المهم إنك إبتديتي :)" .. وتقريباَ هي دي عقدة حياتي دايماَ .. إ

Power to the Writers! : An interview with Shaymaa El-Gammal, Journalist & Media Consultant

Power to the Writers! Photo by : Basma Fathy.  Edited by: Ahmed Atef Megahed An interview with Shaymaa El-Gammal , Journalist & Media Consultant Believe it or not, a lot of people are actually afraid to look themselves in the mirror each day. They're not all excited about facing their daily routines and responsibilities; managing to suppress their feelings inside, not giving themselves a chance to breathe freely every now and then. However when they start asking for help, they usually receive the same advice; "Go away, travel sometime, lighten up a bit, you need to change…" Nonetheless, no one actually helps them, only until they meet a wise man who would instruct them to start writing. Yes, to simply start pouring out what they have in mind, heart, and soul in papers to release the amount of pressure they are facing every single day. Consequently, this power of confession comes to their rescue. It revives their soul and helps them explore a