Bosso b2a !!

samo 3leako keda !!
talbaha m3aya tahyees we bema en mafeesh 7ad sa7y fe haza el waqt men al layl fa ha hayes m3a nafsy we khalas b2a !!!

bas sa7ee7 .. hahayes 2a2ool eih we law 2olt ya tara 7ad hyed7ak aslan aw 7ata hayehtam ye3raf mawdoo3 el tahyees kan 3ala eih ??!! ..

hmmmm ... heaaaaaaaaaaaaaah doniaaaaaaa !!! ...

nefsy 2ala2y 7aga 7elwa keda a3melha .. be ma3na asa7 y3ny nefsy ashtghal shoghlana wana 7asa eni MESH arfana men nafsy wala nefsy anta7er :D:D
howa akeed akeed ma7adesh 3agbo 7alo we akeeeeeeeeeeeed m7adesh 3agbo shoghlanto .. bas 3ala el 2a2al ya3nak adreen yesta7melooha ..

om hend !! 3ayza a3mel ay 7aga leeha lazma fel 7ayah ya ged3an we 3agbany :D:D ghelet ana y3ny lama ekhtart keda ??!! ..
maho asl law ana adra asta7mel el routine kont esta7melt men zaman .. bas eli howa maba2darsh a3mel 7aga wa7da heya heya kol yoom we khalas 3ala keda .. maba3rafsh wen3ma !!
hmmmmmmm.... tab khalas bena2es el mawdoo3 da 3shan byek2eb el wa7ed mada el 7ayaaaaaah !!

nekhosh 3ala eli ba3do ...
besm ellah el ra7man el ra7eem .. el esm Noha wel sen 26 we nos :D
el hewaya : el ketaba we yemken yemken el 2eraya :D:D

bet7eby eih ??!! .. ba7eb el moseeqa 7ayso el gheyab 3an el wa3y 3shan law el wa7ed fedel yefakar 24 hours hayfar2a3 barDAK !! :D

7abeaty abl keda??! .. ah we malo ya khoya .. 7abeat mama we baba we khalto we 3ameto we teaza we setena el 7agga we mesh hakhaby 3ala 7ad .. 7abeat we MATOLTESH :D:D:D

so7abek fean?! .. kol wa7ed fe 7ayato b2a "wenta 3amel eih delw2ty??!!" [ 3ala ra2y Ahmed akhoya :D]

hmmmm .. eih tany ya Noha eih tany yakhtchy ... ahh ..

bosso b2a .. ana tehe2t we zehe2t we shakly keda hawala3 fe nafsy ::D:D:D:D:D:D

yala b2a ya gama7a .. mokhy we2ef le7ad keda we hermonaty hataqeem 3alaya el 7ad ... !!

mopaylat p2a !! ;)

.. N.O.H.A ..


  1. i tend to get those streams of thoughts every once in a while bardo,
    the boredom, life , contemplating suicide for the change of pace :D

    work towards what u want to do, 10 years from now, when u look back, u want to feel happy, feel fulfilled and satisfied of a life lead.

    some have it worse, others better, but i believe it's never late to start....

    and how all i said makes relevance or sense is beyond me :)

  2. Self-worth is what i'm seeking generally..

    Would love to feel happy of course.. aren't we all ?! :)

    I totally understand what ur coming from ..

    Thx for the comment (F)

  3. sure my pleasure
    and on that note
    got FB tab3an, can moi add :)

  4. ok next step is me actually knowing some info to add ya with :)

  5. U'll find me @ ahme el gamal's friend list


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