Verbal Thoughts of My Mind

I love it when the night is so quiet .. I love the smell of breeze .. I love watching the skies whenever there's a full moon .. I love the reflections of light on the streets .. I loves the craving of the dark asphalt .. I love dark colors, they ease my eyes .. I love the drops of water when they drip and I love its sound ..

I wish for freedom .. I wish to run on a beach once again .. I wish to regain how it feels to be safe .. I wish for romantic moments to be constant .. I wish to make sense .. I wish for a rapid flow of ideas .. I wish I can give more than I take .. I wish for pretty things .. Things like warmth, harmony, euphoria, coziness ..

I have what it takes .. I believe I do .. I know it's not my time yet, but I'm sure I deserve it .. That's why I write .. I'm just writing to get it out .. I'm just writing to feel again .. I miss the good people in my life .. I don't care to sound desperate as well .. I just wish I can open my mind for you to actually let you visualize everything I'm thinking of .. I love wondering .. That is what's on my mind at the moment ..

What about you?

.. N.O.H.A ..


  1. You have a very beautiful blog.I can identify a lot with your post; I too love the serenity of night :)

  2. Thank you so much hun ..
    I guess Nighters know each other ;)

    Looking forward to always hearing your feedback :)))


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