Saba7o De7k !!

kal 3ada kolena beygelna friend requests we kal 3ada we ignore them :D
bas el request da galy men wa7ed kont shaka akoon 3arfah 3shan esmo general awi ..

fa el ragel katar khearo y3ny ba3d ma 3amal el request b3atelo msg we as2alo ay khedma y3ny .. me7tag 7aga meni .. y3ny mel akher 7adretak te3rafni???!!!!

we da el radd eli galy :D:D

hasebko ento b2a to7komo 3al msg .. yemken ana feya 7aga ghalat :D:D
aw 7ata i read msgs bel sha2loob wala 7aga :D:D

we ya reat b2a law 7ad eshtaghal el wad we kalemo .. aho te3mlo feya ma3roof we tesedo khanet fodooli :D:D hehehe

[i m asking if u r married , u r so prety in hejab mashallah
i v just arrived from belgium after i was Emam Alhmdulelah in leuven islamic center also i v appartment in Maadi.
just want to offer if its possible cup of ciffee in cilantro first and then its up to you for saying yes or no , jazak allah khair 0111074830]

.. N.O.H.A ..


  1. howa...la2, bas ...momken. la la mazonesh, aslo ya3ni.....
    hmmm, mesh comment :D

  2. looolz .. el sara7a .. kol el comments eli 3andi et2alet khalas :D:D


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