My Character Flower

Assalam Alikom again ...

Guess I just made this blog and i can't get my hands to relax lolz... feeling i have so much to say ... but as usual i'll be saying bits and pieces.. anyways..........

Today i popped into a nice site full of GR8 pics and i mean REALLY REALLY GR8 !!!

I found this particular pic. and i thought to myself; " That's exactly me, sub7an ALLAH !!"

This is how i'm so sensitive and full of details and complications from the inside, and so harsh and itchy from the outside... or at least how i appear to be...

I confess i can be hard dealing with sometimes and ppl tend not to get me...

Some call me a snob, some call be complicated, some call me sheakha :) , some call me EFL (which means strict i guess) ....etc.

But the truth is i'm so fragile and vulnerable to the extent that i always build this wall between ppl and me, in order not to get hurt .. But, at the end i become hurt anyways...

What really irritates me though is that ppl nowadays tend to be sooooo judgemental !!!! ... They stopped listening anymore... They stopped trying to understand you and leave their anger aside... It's like everyone is just wating for the right opportiunity to POP UP in ur face with the worst words EVER !!! ... and if ur trying to tell them it's wrong, they begin telling u " Dun Try to be our Mommy :s :s :s " ...

WUT ??!!! MOMMY ??!!!

Come on ppl !!!! I'm just trying to help u know... and God knows how much i'm making an effort to really be nice with u all ... since when it's soooo wrong to advice someone u care about ???

Is it really a crime ???!!! ... and again... why dun ppl care about eachother anymore then keep complaining about neglection and stuff ???!!! ...

Doesn't anyone sit with him/herself anymore???? ... Aren't there ppl who question their opinions and actions ????!!!

I guess i'm just asking these questions cuz i keep popping into ppl who give me the impression that they're soooooo shallow.... and maybe cuz i'm a bit of a thinker myself... and i mean by thinker is that my mind keeps thinking a lot and not a gr8 philosophical character :) ...

A friend once told me: "Noha , u shouldn't think too much...."

Really ??? ... Is that it ??? ... Do i think too much more than i should be ???!!!

In fact i dun agree with wut they're trying to turn me into ... I managed to keep my character elhamdullah and i'm convinced that ALLAH (swt) has granted me this aspect to keep working on myself and never give up ... so, i embraced this fact and i started to understand that Life to me is all about Ups & Downs... It's all about these phases that i keep going into and going out of it ... And in order to survive , a person should cope with it cuz simply... u never know when ur life is gonna end, so u gotta be prepared..... for anything and everything ....

Maybe that's why i have this eternal passion for flowers... cuz they always bloom for a while and then become dead to turn in a sead and grow again and again.... it's a life's cycle... really this is our life... a cycle full of stages... sometimes rough and sometimes smooth... but we manage to live anyways... till the All Mighty calls it's end and start of Eternity...

Hope i made sense in all this .. :) :)

Take Care ppl and Good Luck with ur own lives :) :)

.. N.O.H.A ..


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